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Buy. Sell. Share. Connect.

Find a job or a discarded treasure. Sell the old and discover the new. And do it all in your Patch community.


How to get started

Patch makes it easy to list, find and sell just about anything. Pick the approach that's right for you and get started today!

Create a classified



  • Share you classified ad with your local Patch community

  • Potential buyers can contact you directly and safely on the Patch platform

  • Connect with neighbors safely with Patch's reply system

  • Enhance your listings with photos and other details

Local spotlight

$2.00 a day


  • Includes everything from your free posting

  • Boost your visibility across Patch's high-traffic local website

  • Land in customers' inboxes with priority placement in our signature daily newsletters



Expand your reach

$2.00 a day per Patch community


  • Includes everything from your free posting

  • Feature your classified ad in the communities you choose

  • Widen your audience with each new community you select

  • Top billing on the website and newsletters of multiple communities

Free Business Tools


Get started with our free self-managed business tools to build an online presence in your town.

  • Business profile
  • Marketplace listing
  • Plus optional featured placement on your home Patch and on nearby Patches

More ways Patch can help


Local Events

Make your event the talk of town with a listing on our popular local calendar.  


Business Spotlight

Reach new customers and become famous in your community.


Custom Solutions

Work with a Patch expert to discover custom solutions that meet your needs.